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Setting: struct

struct:comment COMMENT

struct:comment COMMENT can be defined as CLI argument or conversion comment.

struct:comment instructs goverter to add a comment line to the generated struct. It can be configured multiple times to add multiline comments. Prefix your COMMENT with // to force single line comment style.

package example

// goverter:converter
// goverter:struct:comment // MyConverterImpl
// goverter:struct:comment //
// goverter:struct:comment // More detailed
type MultipleSingleLine interface {
	Convert(Input) Output

// goverter:converter
// goverter:struct:comment single comment
type SingleComment interface {
	Convert(Input) Output

// goverter:converter
// goverter:struct:comment MyConverterImpl
// goverter:struct:comment
// goverter:struct:comment More detailed
type MultiLine interface {
	Convert(Input) Output

type Input struct{ Name string }
type Output struct{ Name string }
// Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
//go:build !goverter

package generated

import structcomment ""


More detailed
type MultiLineImpl struct{}

func (c *MultiLineImpl) Convert(source structcomment.Input) structcomment.Output {
	var exampleOutput structcomment.Output
	exampleOutput.Name = source.Name
	return exampleOutput

// MyConverterImpl
// More detailed
type MultipleSingleLineImpl struct{}

func (c *MultipleSingleLineImpl) Convert(source structcomment.Input) structcomment.Output {
	var exampleOutput structcomment.Output
	exampleOutput.Name = source.Name
	return exampleOutput

// single comment
type SingleCommentImpl struct{}

func (c *SingleCommentImpl) Convert(source structcomment.Input) structcomment.Output {
	var exampleOutput structcomment.Output
	exampleOutput.Name = source.Name
	return exampleOutput