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Configure Nested

If you want to map or ignore a field of a nested type like a map or slice, then you've to define another converter method.

Example, you've want to map the NestedInput.LastName to NestedOutput.Surname for this method.

package example

type Input struct {
	Name   string
	Nested NestedInput
type Output struct {
	Name   string
	Nested NestedOutput

type NestedInput struct{ LastName string }
type NestedOutput struct{ Surname string }

You can't do it like this:

// goverter:converter
type Converter interface {
    // goverter:map Nested.LastName Nested.Surname
    Convert(Input) Output

because Goverter dosen't support nested target fields. You have to create another conversion method targeting the nested types like this:

package example

// goverter:converter
type Converter interface {
	Convert(Input) Output

	// goverter:map LastName Surname
	ConvertNested(NestedInput) NestedOutput
// Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
//go:build !goverter

package generated

import nestedstruct ""

type ConverterImpl struct{}

func (c *ConverterImpl) Convert(source nestedstruct.Input) nestedstruct.Output {
	var exampleOutput nestedstruct.Output
	exampleOutput.Name = source.Name
	exampleOutput.Nested = c.ConvertNested(source.Nested)
	return exampleOutput
func (c *ConverterImpl) ConvertNested(source nestedstruct.NestedInput) nestedstruct.NestedOutput {
	var exampleNestedOutput nestedstruct.NestedOutput
	exampleNestedOutput.Surname = source.LastName
	return exampleNestedOutput
package example

type Input struct {
	Name   string
	Nested NestedInput
type Output struct {
	Name   string
	Nested NestedOutput

type NestedInput struct{ LastName string }
type NestedOutput struct{ Surname string }

Slices and Maps

The rule above applies to the conversion of slices and maps too. Field settings must be directly on the struct. This e.g. would be error:

// goverter:converter
type Converter interface {
    // goverter:map LastName Surname
    Convert([]NestedInput) []NestedOutput

and should be written as:

// goverter:converter
type Converter interface {
    Convert([]NestedInput) []NestedOutput
	// goverter:map LastName Surname
	ConvertNested(NestedInput) NestedOutput