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Setting: output


output:file FILE can be defined as CLI argument or converter comment. Default is ./generated/generated.go.

output:file sets the generated output file of a converter interface. The file location is relative to the file with the converter interface. E.g. if the interface is located at /home/jm/src/pkg/converter/interface.go and you define output:file ../generated/output.go then the file would be created at /home/jm/src/pkg/generated/interface.go

You can use the magic @cwd/ prefix to reference the current working directory goverter is executed in. E.g. you execute goverter in /home/jm/src/pkg/, the interface is located at /home/jm/src/pkg/converter/interface.go and output:file @cwd/output/generated.go is defined then the file would be created at /home/jm/src/pkg/output/generated.go.

Different converters may have the same output:file if the output:package is the same. See this more complex example:

package example

// goverter:converter
// goverter:output:file ./a/generated.go
// goverter:output:package goverter/example/a
type RootA interface {
	Convert([]bool) []bool

// goverter:converter
// goverter:output:file ./b/generated.go
// goverter:output:package goverter/example/b
type RootB interface {
	Convert([]string) []string
package c

// goverter:converter
// goverter:output:file ../a/generated.go
// goverter:output:package goverter/example/a
type CIntoA interface {
	Convert([]int) []int
// Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
//go:build !goverter

package a

type CIntoAImpl struct{}

func (c *CIntoAImpl) Convert(source []int) []int {
	var intList []int
	if source != nil {
		intList = make([]int, len(source))
		for i := 0; i < len(source); i++ {
			intList[i] = source[i]
	return intList

type RootAImpl struct{}

func (c *RootAImpl) Convert(source []bool) []bool {
	var boolList []bool
	if source != nil {
		boolList = make([]bool, len(source))
		for i := 0; i < len(source); i++ {
			boolList[i] = source[i]
	return boolList
// Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
//go:build !goverter

package b

type RootBImpl struct{}

func (c *RootBImpl) Convert(source []string) []string {
	var stringList []string
	if source != nil {
		stringList = make([]string, len(source))
		for i := 0; i < len(source); i++ {
			stringList[i] = source[i]
	return stringList


output:package [PACKAGE][:NAME] can be defined as CLI argument or converter comment. Default is :generated.

output:package PACKAGE

This is the recommended way to define this setting. If you define the full package path, goverter is able to prevent edge-cases in the converter generation. The package name used in the generated .go file will be inferred from the normalized full package path. E.g.

// goverter:converter
// goverter:output:package
type Converter interface {
    Convert([]string) []string

will create generated/generated.go starting with

package mypackage
// ...

If there are reserved characters in the package name will be normalized. E.g.

// goverter:converter
// goverter:output:package
type Converter interface {
    Convert([]string) []string

will create generated/generated.go starting with

package mycoolpackage
// ...

output:package PACKAGE:NAME

If you want to overwrite the inferred package name, you can do so with output:package PACKAGE:NAME. E.g.

// goverter:converter
// goverter:output:package
type Converter interface {
    Convert([]string) []string

will create generated/generated.go starting with

package overriddenname
// ...

output:package NAME

If you aren't able to define the full package path, then you can only define the package name with output:package :NAME. Goverter may produce uncompilable code, when you hit an edge-case that requires a full package path. If the generated code compiles, then there should be no problems using the setting like this.

// goverter:converter
// goverter:output:package :mypackage
type Converter interface {
    Convert([]string) []string

will create generated/generated.go starting with

package mypackage
// ...